Wildfires Stir Emotion in the Flyover States

“The flyover states, nothing exciting ever happens there.  I can’t imagine anyone wanting to live down there.”  This statement came from a fellow passenger as I was flying from California to Missouri a while back.  I simply smiled and told the lady I would welcome her on our farm so she could see the wonderful things happening.


Newborn piglet on our farm.

I shared with her how exciting it was to watch piglets being born on our farm.  I told her about planting our seeds in the spring and waiting with great anticipation until we magically see our crops peek up from the dirt a few days later.  In the fall, we race against mother nature to get our crops harvested while trying to tend to our cows that are calving.  And for many farmers and ranchers, the excitement isn’t always joyous; sometimes the excitement comes in the form of an equipment breakdown, drought, flood, tornado or a wildfire.


Wildfires have been burning for a week or better in Texas, Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma.  There have also been tornadoes which have destroyed homes, schools and businesses in Missouri and other states.  Just last week a tornado ripped through my little community.


Fixing fences in the middle of the night after a tornado ripped through our county last week. 

Fences were destroyed on our farm and Kevin and I stayed up early into the morning hours repairing the fence and tending to our cattle.   The following morning, farmers, community leaders and neighbors gathered around those who had damage to help pick up the pieces and start rebuilding.  There were no phone calls made to ask for help, neighbors just showed up because that’s what happens in the flyover states.  We help without being asked because we know our neighbors would do it for us in a heartbeat.


Agriculture is a big community, we are one family.  State lines do not separate us when a fellow farmer or rancher is in need.  When word hit Missouri about the wildfires in Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas, farmers and ranchers started asking how they could help.  Hay, fencing supplies, cattle feed, monetary donations and most importantly – prayers, were offered up in a matter of hours.  Farmers and ranchers in Missouri, and many other states, organized hay convoys to aid our neighbors in devastated areas.  It was overwhelming to see farmers and ranchers rally behind those in need.  When I saw pictures of the destroyed pastures, homes, barns, fences and livestock, my heart broke.  These families lost everything they had, some even gave their lives trying to save their cattle.  The photos of semi trucks arriving with hay in the devastated areas stirred many emotions in my heart.  I’m certain the ranchers must have felt a sense of relief and comfort knowing they were not alone in the battle they were fighting.



Kevin loading up hay to donate to our fellow farmers and ranchers in Kansas.  Our neighbor hauled it for us free of charge.

It was difficult for those of us unable to make the trip delivering supplies, we wanted to do more than just donate supplies or pray.  Many farmers and ranchers wanted to make the trip personally but chores still have to get done at home.  Several loads of hay and fencing supplies have left our little community and headed to Kansas and Oklahoma.  This has happened all over the state of Missouri, farmers are paying it forward to help our neighbors in other states.  It may not be enough but our hope is it will help you begin to rebuild.  To our fellow farmers and  ranchers dealing with the wildfires, please know you will be in our prayers in the days and months to  come.  Stay strong and find comfort in knowing you are not alone.  We have your back!


About Chris Chinn

My husband, Kevin, and I are 5th generation farmers. We live on our family hog farm in Missouri with our two children. Our dream is that our children will have the opportunity be the 6th generation of farmers in our family.
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13 Responses to Wildfires Stir Emotion in the Flyover States

  1. Jesse Sumner says:

    Maybe you should have been a coach or preacher, passion is a strong tool!!

  2. Bob says:

    Thank you for being a help to our neighbors, and for continuing to spread the word about the good works of Missouri farmers.

  3. Mary says:

    This is why we need to speak up for agriculture and all those involved. Prayers for all the farmers and ranchers who work 24/7, 365 in all weather conditions and those who are brave enough to fight wildfires. God bless you all.

  4. Linda R Bush says:

    Well said Chris. We didn’t have hay but our truck took the trip. So glad no one was hurt in our storm. Praying for those who have had losses especially lost lives.

  5. Georgia says:

    Those who overlook the “fly over zone” should be bowing down and thanking God for farmers and people in these states. I don’t care how important or rich you are, if all farmers were gone, you would have to grow your own food. You would actually have to work at dirty, hard work and not sit in your offices and denigrate those who keep you alive.

  6. Glenn M. Hillhouse, Jr. says:

    Chris, I have always enjoyed reading your thoughts on farm life, both family & business. I have followed your writings for many years. In past years & have left thoughts & comments on your page.

    I was at Hunter Gin in Gideon, MO tonight. You spoke well. Your speech was was enlightening & controversial subjects were not evaded even when answering questions from your audience.

    Thank you for coming to our area. Again, you spoke well & the icing on the cake was my hug from our friend Deena upon leaving.

    • Chris Chinn says:

      Thank you for your comments, I appreciate your support! I’m sorry I missed seeing you last night, I would have loved visiting with you. Deena is a sweetheart, she’s one of a kind.

  7. I love to read from your farm life. I guess you are busy now.

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